Correct Braking Trick

No matter how expensive vehicle belonging to guarantee you will not survive a crash. However, the safety factor is determined by your attitude in driving.
However, many accidents can be caused due to him not to stop the vehicle the driver properly.
Well to find out how to stop properly, it helps you read this one.

1. Dismissal in normal circumstances.
Normal conditions to be sure you know it, which made ​​regular stops are often used by motorists and the second in as an emergency.

2. Stop in an emergency.
There are two ways when you meet in a situation like this.

The first, called the Threshold or by way of floating. With a strong push to the limit of the brake pedal just before the wheels are locked to the front wheels can still be directed to the place safer. Because the tire still has a stranglehold on the road surface.

The second, called by shaking or so-called Cadence braking or braking pulse. Termination is done by pumping the brake pedal or whisk. But with pressure and a fixed frequency.

3. Factors that affect the braking distance
Road Condition
Condition of the vehicle
Inclination Road
Heavy Vehicles
Street violence
Coefficient of friction
The brake system
Braking techniques
Suspension Systems

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