Benefits of Drinking Tea

Tea is a beverage typical of the people of Indonesia. These drinks are often used as a banquet in a variety of events. But behind the variety of taste, tea also has many benefits. This range benefits from drinking tea.

There are different kinds of tea are consumed by the public. Not only that, the tea also contains many natural chemicals that have various benefits.

Here are some natural chemicals and the benefits of drinking tea:

Tips Get Business Capital

Venture capital is one important thing in running your own business, despite the creativity and willingness are paramount. Establish a business that is able to provide more generous benefits are not easy anymore.

Of course, to start it all, you need capital or need a large enough so that your business can walk. How to get venture capital, this is it tips:

Beginning April 2014 Windows XP Ends

After accompanying computer users worldwide, Microsoft said it will eventually completely stop its support for the Windows XP operating system in 2014.

This means that Windows XP two years certainly would be completely finished. This is done as part of the software giant's life cycle policy of the operating system.

"In 2002 Microsoft introduced a Lifecycle policy system operations based on customer feedback to have the transparency and credibility of the support for Microsoft products," Microsoft wrote in its official site.

Foods That Make Eyes Lit Up

Vision of a healthy and bright eyes that require a combination of vitamins and minerals in addition to other important nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and protein in optimal amounts.

Below is the intake of so-called 'rainbow-colored foods' that can help you maintain healthy vision with bright eyes and glowing.

The Risk of Diabetes for The Lack of Sleep

Inconsistent sleep schedule or portion of a lack of sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston monitored 21 healthy adults who were asked to stay in the laboratory during the experiment. For three weeks, participants were scheduled to sleep less than 6 hours per day and sleep late every day.

The results showed that participants' ability to regulate blood sugar levels become disturbed so that participants may have developed diabetes if the experiment continued.

For Durable Batteries

The most simple to extend the battery life is with a little care. Average battery life of up to 400 times the charge and discharge, while right? How do I extend its use? If you do charging at every night, your battery life can last at least 12-15 months.

If you can perform charging twice a week, meaning you can achieve a battery life of 2-3 years. So charging less you do, then the longer the battery life.

There are some simple ways you can do to keep the battery to last. This is it!

Types of Batteries

This type of battery is the first generation. Large capacity, this battery is suitable for old phones that powerful. According to the size and capacity, the charging process was repeated quite a hassle. For example, replenishment should be done at the time power is completely depleted. Because NiCd batteries have a memory effect, the longer its capacity will decrease if the filling is not empty properly.

The next generation is NiMH. These rechargeable batteries still have a memory effect but only temporarily. So it is more flexible than NiCd types. To recharge not have to wait is completely discharged, but the consequences will be felt quickly exhausted.

Cause of Low Battery

Still battery development was accompanied by a heavier phone specification, such as cameras, GPS, music player, video player and so forth, the more power hungry, and ultimately suck the battery faster.

Surprisingly, many people who suspect a problem because of cell phone batteries run out quickly. Though not necessarily begitu. Now before you conclude that, try deh note the features you use every day. Here we rank the features that consume a lot of power.

Tips Identify Fake Facebook Profile

Scattered many fake profiles on Facebook and sometimes you receive a request from them or even have become friends. Not infrequently the fake profile of this kind of harm. Maybe the author of a villain who is looking for prey. Or maybe he intends to spy on you with a particular motif.

How to identify a Facebook profile is not yet known was false or not? Here are tips and tricks:

Tips Tweet Get Retweet

Chirp passing on Twitter has so many. So, how do you see people that tweet then retweet and given in response? These are some short tips collected from various sources:

1. Space
Try not to be too long to tweet to maximize the number of characters provided. But leave a space about 18-20 characters respond to your followers.

Remember, time is money, lots of tweeps who are reluctant to waste time to eliminate or shorten the tweet that you created just to give a response. So make it easy to tweet their duties efficiently.

Correct Braking Trick

No matter how expensive vehicle belonging to guarantee you will not survive a crash. However, the safety factor is determined by your attitude in driving.
However, many accidents can be caused due to him not to stop the vehicle the driver properly.
Well to find out how to stop properly, it helps you read this one.

Tips for Driving While Rain

The rainy season has arrived, of course Otolovers as motorists must prepare everything to still be driving safely. What kind of tips are safe in the car driving when it rains?

The following tips: